Resimdo GmbH
Esslinger Straße 18
D-73776 Altbach
+49 (0) 7153 550 230
Opening hours:
By phone Monday to Friday: from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Due to the current Corona situation our showroom is closed but we are still here for you by phone or for pickup!
The resimdo team
Our staff will be happy to assist you with any queries you may have.
Nadine Haug
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
Martijn Bardoel
CEO - Chief Executive Officer NL/BE
Stephan Hack
CPO - Chief Project Officer
Simon Lindner
Customer Support
Nata Blandin
Customer Support
Timo Spiller
Logistic Manager
Marvin Lachmann
Logistic assistant
Irfan Kotel
Logistic assistant
Grégory Blandin
Technical Manager
Technical Assistant
Alex Danylyshyn
Engineering Manager
Nina Grassl
Web Developer
Daniel millboard
Art director
Michi Schanz
Content creator
History resimdo
An overview: Emergence and core business.
The company has been involved in the application and processing of self-adhesive film since the 1990s. Over time, several mainstays developed in the film industry: advertising technology, car wrapping and furniture wrapping. This gave rise to the company CarCocooning, which incorporated the term “cocooning” to describe the cocooning of everyday objects and is now used as a synonym for creating an oasis of well-being in the home or in frequently used places. Over the years, both the market and this type of film have continued to develop, with the result that interior design film and the film trade now form the company’s core business. The resimdo brand brings together the company’s philosophy and business sector. The name resimdo is composed of restaurare (renew), simplificare (simplify) and domus (dwelling), and expresses what is behind it: The simple renovation of interiors.