

We have categorised all our films according to the RAL colour system.
In the search field (top right) you can enter your RAL colour number and find the right colour for your project.
RAL colour is the name given to standardised colours.This is a series of colour systems and colour catalogues used worldwide,
each comprising a palette of standardised colours.

For our filter colours we have also determined a RAL tone and assigned it to the designs accordingly:

Silver RAL 9003 | Beige RAL 1015 | White RAL 9003 | Yellow RAL 1003 | Green RAL 6037
Gold RAL 1036 | Olive brown RAL 8008 | Grey RAL 7004 | Orange RAL 2011 | Blue RAL 5015
Bronze RAL 330-M | Terra brown RAL 8028 | Black RAL 9017 | Red RAL 3028 | Traffic purple RAL 4006

The interpretation of colour distances is called ΔE (delta E). A ΔE value of 0.0 - 0.5 represents a virtually
imperceptible colour difference. The percentage specification for this is 95% - 100%. Up to a value of 60%, the human
eye perceives only a slight colour difference. Anything less than 60% is perceived as a very noticeable colour difference, so not all of our
decors have been assigned a RAL value. You can find the details about conformity here.
